Just a few hours left before we say goodbye to 2017, and everyone to a greater or lesser extent takes stock of the year. Every year, the same old story, the new year is a chance to do things differently, from scratch… Over the first days of the year, magazines, blogs and the social networks are full of articles about New Year’s resolutions, lists of the most common ones, advice on how to stick to them and achieve them. Then, after the first few days or weeks of good intentions, the challenges start to appear, the temptations, obstacles that look immense and make you think that just maybe next year will be a better one to change your habits. The same thing happens in the world of business, although it starts a bit before; November and December are usually the months when budgets, projects and objectives are defined. Everyone waits for the change in the calendar to switch on all the machinery to achieve their objectives.
We start the year with renewed energy, with hopes for change, improvements and new challenges. This attitude drives us onwards and motivates us to embark on new projects and challenges, but I’d like to introduce a new variable: I expect to make mistakes and I want to be ready to do so. Why?
Because I want to do new things, different things, bring on improvements, compete in a different way with companies that have been doing the same thing for a long time and I want to win. I’m aware that this approach means some mistakes will be made, because they’re unavoidable. And that will make us much better, if and only if we are prepared to make mistakes, because being ready to be wrong is never crazy or pessimistic, it’s the opposite, it’s a positive attitude that helps us improve, identify the reasons, make corrections, grow, adapt and become much more competitive when aiming for our objectives.
To end the year, two quotations from one of the biggest winners that’s ever existed, Michael Jordan:
“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed”.
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen”.
Happy 2018!! Let’s make it a year full of challenges, mistakes and objectives fulfilled.